
Gaëtan Robillard (FR) is an artist and a researcher (currently postdoctoral fellow) living and working between the Greater Paris and Montreal. He produces data art and media based installations engaging with mathematical research, climatology and cognitive sciences. His work has been exhibited in venues such as Palais de Tokyo and Ircam Centre Pompidou (Paris), Pearl Art Museum (Shanghai), Akbank Sanat (Istanbul), and ZKM Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe). In 2022, he obtained a PhD in art and technology from the University of Paris 8, and published several texts on early computer art aesthetics, education and contemporary algorithmic artifacts.

Gaëtan Robillard (FR) est artiste et chercheur (actuellement post doctorant) vivant et travaillant entre le Grand Paris et Montréal. Il produit des installations utilisant datas et médias, engagées avec la recherche en mathématique, la climatologie et les sciences cognitives. Son travail a été exposé dans des lieux tels que le Palais de Tokyo et l’Ircam Centre Pompidou (Paris), Akbank Sanat (Istanbul) et le ZKM Centre d’art et de technologie des médias (Karlsruhe). Il publie régulièrement des articles sur l’esthétique du Computer Art historique, l’éducation et les artefacts algorithmiques contemporains.

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Gaëtan Robillard is an artist, a researcher and a visiting professor. He produces films and sound installations about climate and the algorithmization of the world in the post truth era. His work is regularly shown in international venues such as Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Hessel Museum (New York), and Pearl Art Museum (Shanghai). He has published various articles about the materialization of the algorithmic image. He also has been supported by major institutes such as the ZKM in Germany, and the European consortium MediaFutures (Horizon 2020). His thesis “Algorithms at work: Early Computer Art and Generative Environments” (2022) is a practice led research in art sciences and digital images. It focuses on the one hand on early Computer Art in Germany, its traces and its updating; and on the other hand on the production of a series of generative environments, as with Critical Climate Machine. In addition, Robillard frequently lectures and create workshops series, particularly on the theme of the arrival of deep learning technologies in the arts.

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